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Getting Started Improving Concentration: Help for ADHD.

Author: Warren Gouin

Last Updated

10 June 2023
Drawing a child with jumbled thoughts.

Do you struggle with focusing and staying on task due to ADHD? You're not alone. Many people, both children and adults, experience difficulties with concentration and attention. While medication can be effective in managing symptoms, adopting a holistic approach that considers diet, lifestyle, and gut health can also be beneficial.

We will discuss things that affect attention and give tips for improving concentration and treating ADHD.

When it comes to ADHD, genetics may play a role, but environmental factors such as diet and toxins can also contribute to symptoms. It's important to consider all aspects of your lifestyle to improve concentration and attention.

You can manage ADHD symptoms and improve health and well-being by making small diet changes, exercising regularly, and reducing exposure to toxins.

In this article, we'll delve into the various components of a holistic approach to treating ADHD and provide evidence-based tips for improving concentration.


Key Takeaways

  • ADHD may be influenced by both genetics and environmental factors, including poor diet and exposure to toxins.
  • Improving gut health and adopting a nutrient-dense, low sugar diet can help improve concentration and treat ADHD symptoms.
  • Stress reduction and improving sleep through a calming bedtime routine are also important factors in addressing ADHD.
  • Phospholipids found in fish oils and stable, non-oxidized fats in the cell membrane are important for cell function and can benefit children with attention issues.


Diet and Lifestyle

If you want to improve your child's concentration and manage ADHD symptoms, it's important to focus on adopting a diet and lifestyle that is nutrient-dense and low in sugar. Eating real, unprocessed foods that are rich in nutrients can help support brain function and improve concentration.

You should also focus on promoting gut health by reducing poor quality carbohydrates and promoting good gut bacteria. Additionally, reducing stress and improving sleep hygiene can go a long way in improving your overall well-being and concentration.

It's important to approach this journey with compassion and a holistic mindset. Remember that improving your concentration is not just about restricting certain foods or adopting certain habits. It's about finding a sustainable lifestyle that works for you and supports your overall health and well-being.

Improve your family's health to help to improve their concentration. Take care of their gut, reduce stress and sleep better.


Environmental Factors

Exposure to lead, PCBs, or pesticides during pregnancy may increase your child's risk of developing attention issues. Studies have shown a possible link between these toxins and ADHD symptoms. As a parent, it's important to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to minimise exposure to these toxins.

This could include avoiding certain foods that may contain high levels of toxins, using natural cleaning products, and avoiding areas with high levels of pollution. It's important to approach ADHD from a holistic perspective, considering both genetic and environmental factors.

By taking a proactive approach to reducing exposure to toxins, you can help support your child's overall health and well-being. And by focusing on a nutrient-dense, low sugar diet and promoting gut health, you can also support their brain function and improve concentration.

Remember, every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It's important to stay open-minded and work with a healthcare professional to find the best approach for your child.


Gut Health

Focusing on promoting gut health can have a significant impact on your child's overall brain function and behaviour. The gut and the brain are interconnected, and a poorly functioning gut can lead to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain, which is often seen in ADHD.

Short-chain fatty acids produced in the gut can regulate gene expression and improve brain function, while a poorly functioning gut may have increased permeability, allowing substances to pass into the bloodstream that can affect inflammation and the brain.

Improving gut health can involve a variety of strategies, including eating a nutrient-dense diet of real, whole foods, reducing stress, and incorporating probiotics and prebiotics to promote healthy gut bacteria.

It's important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to gut health, and what works for one child may not work for another. However, many parents have reported cognitive and behavioral improvements in their children after focusing on improving gut health.

By promoting gut health, you are not only improving your child's ADHD symptoms but also their overall health and well-being.


Potential Benefits

One potential benefit of adopting a nutrient-dense, low sugar diet and improving gut health is the positive effect it can have on brain function and behaviour. By providing the body with the necessary nutrients and promoting a healthy gut microbiome, individuals with ADHD may experience improved focus, attention, and overall mental clarity.

Additionally, reducing sugar intake can help stabilise blood sugar levels and prevent the energy crashes that often lead to distraction and restlessness.

Furthermore, improving gut health has been shown to have a significant impact on brain health and neurotransmitter production. This is particularly important for individuals with ADHD, as the condition is often considered a chemical imbalance in the brain. By addressing gut health, individuals may be able to correct this imbalance and experience a reduction in ADHD symptoms.

While more research is needed in this area, many people have reported cognitive and behavioural improvements after focusing on gut health.



Congratulations on taking the first step towards improving your concentration and treating ADHD! By adopting a holistic approach that focuses on diet, lifestyle, and gut health, you can make significant strides in managing your symptoms and improving your overall well-being.

It's important to remember that while genetics may play a role in ADHD, environmental factors such as diet and toxins can also contribute to symptoms. Eating more whole foods, less processed foods, and exercising more can improve brain health and boost focus.

In addition, taking steps to improve your gut health, reducing your intake of inflammatory foods, can also have a positive impact on your symptoms. While there is still much research to be done in this area, studies have shown promising results in the use of holistic approaches for treating ADHD.

By taking a comprehensive approach to your health, you can improve your concentration, boost your energy levels, and enhance your overall quality of life. Remember to be kind to yourself throughout this process, and celebrate each small victory along the way.

Take a deeper dive into how to help your child with ADHD in this more detailed post titled - ADHD and Improving Concentration: A healthier and more comprehensive approach.

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